
The Rhenium-SCT (Skin Cancer Therapy) is a specialized state-of-the-art brachytherapy utilizing the radioisotope Rhenium-188, a beta-emitter which in this case is used for the treatment of basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin.

188W/188Re Generator
Production of high-energy beta emitting 188Re

Various sizes available
up to 150GBq (4Ci) 188W
High activity concentration
up to 9GBq/ml
Variable elution volume
Elution volume of 5-14 ml (partial elution for small volumes)
Low breakthrough
188W < 0.01 % in relation to 188Re at calibration time
Who we are
OncoBeta GmbH is a pioneer in the radioisotope sector, presently offering an innovative Skin Cancer Therapy targeting non-melanoma skin cancers and producing Tungsten (Wolfram)-188/Rhenium-188 (W/Re-188) Generators for commercial use.